First Responder Trainer for HEV/EV
The number of hybrid and electric vehicles on the roads is increasing steadily. This is not only a new challenge for the workshops, which have to perform the service and various diagnostic and repair work on the vehicles but also for first responders, such as the police, fire department and recovery services. HV vehicles involved in accidents pose a special challenge and require special qualifications to avoid endangering their own lives and those of all other parties involved.
Vehicles involved in accidents present a particularly complex task because the high-voltage system poses various, very specific dangers. As a rule, the first responders are the first to come into contact with HV accident vehicles. Only with the right know-how can they avoid endangering their own lives and those of others involved.
The qualification required for the proper and safe recovery of HV vehicles involved in accidents must be specifically tailored to the needs of the police, fire brigade, recovery services, and others. Implementing such training is complex. Real vehicles are hardly available; even if they are, the special accident scenarios cannot be simulated under acceptable risk.
This is where the training system "First Responder Trainer for HEV / EV" from Lucas-Nuelle comes in. It offers professionals an absolutely safe training concept. The system consists of a trainer and an e-learning course. On the hardware, rescue workers can carry out practical salvage tasks close to the operation, while the e-learning course interactively conveys the necessary background knowledge.
Successful Qualification
The Lucas-Nuelle training system allows first responders to repeatedly practice the correct procedure for recovering hybrid and electric vehicles - until it becomes muscle memory, ensuring maximum efficiency even when working under pressure.
Safe Handling of Electric Vehicles
In conjunction with the e-learning course, the training system teaches the first responders the following competencies, among others:
- Reaching the scene of an accidental identifying hybrid and electric vehicles
- Identifying HV components in the accident-damaged HV vehicle
Assess hazard potential
- Hazard assessment before the start of salvage
- Understanding the real hazard potential of HV vehicles
- Assessment of the hazard potential of an HV battery (in use)
- Hazard assessment before transporting a damaged HV vehicle
Vehicle recovery
- Securing the vehicle key/shutting off the on-board electrical system
- Safe and fast shutdown of the HV system
- Procedure for damaged HV vehicles
Rescue of persons
- Procedure for rescuing persons from HV vehicles
- Special first aid measures
Apply protective measures
- Personal protection from electrical body current
- Special features when securing the accident site
Rescue cards
- Use of rescue cards
- Establishment of a rescue card database
- Preparation of the rescue database for rapid deployment
Quick and Safe Shutdown of the HV System
The HV system must be switched off for the occupants and the vehicle to be recovered safely. This step is also essential for the safety of the rescue forces.
The training system has all the common methods of the various vehicle manufacturers, which lead to the deactivation of the HV system:
- HV cut-off point
- HV disconnection point (cutting solution)
- HV fuse
- HV rescue disconnection point (NV)
- 12 V battery
Hands On Accident Scenarios
HV battery thermography is a quick and effective method to correctly assess the current hazard potential of a vehicle involved in an accident. Especially if there is even the slightest suspicion that the HV battery is damaged, the temperature level or behavior should be analyzed and monitored as quickly as possible.
To ensure that this succeeds instinctively in the field, the training system offers the exclusive possibility of simulating a heating up of the HV battery. Completely safe and repeatable as often as desired.
The training system offers the possibility to activate various accident scenarios to plan and work through the appropriate procedure together:
- Scenario 1: READY mode of the HV vehicle cannot be switched off
- Scenario 2: Severe damage to the rear and HV battery (incl. simulated heating of the HV battery)
- Scenario 3: Damaged HV vehicle
- Scenario 4: Burning HV vehicle
- Scenario 5: Trapped driver
Complete eLearning Curriculum Included
The eLearning curriculum perfectly complements the trainer as it contains all necessary theory as well as the handling instructions for the twenty different practical exercises. The course has a strong focus on interactive learning through the use of numerous videos and animations.
Complex topics are thus presented in a way that is easy to understand, and the learner retains a high level of motivation throughout the course. Furthermore, the learner can check his knowledge at the end of each chapter through a knowledge test.
Further advantages
- Site license – You can use the curriculum on all devices required within your training site.
- Free updates – You get free updates for your curriculum by download
- No extra costs - No additional annual subscription fees
More Information
- Dimensions: 40" W x 32" H x 9" D
- Weight: approx. 80 lbs.
Law Enforcement and Public Service
Training solutions for the Law Enforcement and Public Service Career Cluster specialize in skills needed for Emergency Services and Law Enforcement careers.
Police officers, firefighters and EMTs require specialized skills when responding to emergencies. We offer a variety of simulators that cover the dangers associated with hybrid and electric vehicles, active shooter simulators, driving simulators, canine medical trainers, and more!