Portable PLC Troubleshooting Learning System (CompactLogix L16)

Allen-Bradley CompactLogix
Item Number: 
Portable PLC Troubleshooting Learning System (990-PAB53F)
PLC Fault Troubleshooting | FaultPro
Allen-Bradley CompactLogix (990-PAB53F)
Modern Curriculum with PanelView Plus Terminal and Networking
Basic through Advanced in a Portable Workstation
The 990-PAB53F is a mobile training platform.

The 990-PAB53AF Portable PLC Troubleshooting Learning System provides comprehensive curriculum and a cutting-edge workstation to teach PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) programming, operation, and applications used in industry. The 990-PAB53AF uses FaultPro, Amatrol’s unique electronic fault insertion, to teach PLC troubleshooting skills, such as PLC input and output testing, software testing, and application troubleshooting. Learners study both basic and advanced applications using Allen-Bradley’s L16ER CompactLogix 5300 PLC, PanelView Plus, and networking throughout the curriculum.

The 990-PAB53AF comes with a mobile carrying case, workstation mounting panel, master control relay circuit, Allen-Bradley L16ER CompactLogix 5300 Programmable Controller, RS Linx and RS Logix 5000 software, a PanelView Plus terminal, an Ethernet Switch, I/O Simulator, five application circuits, student curriculum, instructor’s assessment guide, and installation guide. Learners will study the industry-relevant application and PLC system troubleshooting skills that are so needed in today’s workplace.

PLC Fault Troubleshooting

The 990-PAB53AF uses Fault Pro, an electronic fault insertion system that is only available from Amatrol, to insert 35+ faults into the system for troubleshooting. Learners will troubleshoot these faults as they progress through 25 different troubleshooting skills. Learners engage in practicing skills directly related to industry needs including using a six-step sequence to troubleshoot a PLC system, troubleshooting a PLC routine that performs on/off control using an analog input, and testing a PLC-controlled Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) output device.

Rich Applications: Basic through Advanced

In addition to troubleshooting skills, the 990-PAB53AF includes application circuits and components for thermostatic temperature control, analog temperature control, reversing constant speed motor control, variable speed motor control with feedback, and stepper motor homing and commissioning. These circuits include basic and advanced applications starting with discrete I/O projects and extending to projects involving analog I/O. These applications enhance a learner’s PLC troubleshooting skills and experience because they can actually see how a program controls real systems.

Modern Curriculum with PanelView Plus Terminal and Networking

The extensive Amatrol curriculum offered with the 990-PAB53AF features a wide range of analog, discrete, data, and networking commands. The PLC program basics and curriculum have been designed to teach modern PLCs as they are used today, with the PanelView Plus terminal and networking introduced in the basic lessons and applied throughout the curriculum. Learners cover a wide variety of program commands, ranging from timers and contacts, stepper motor control, PWM control, and analog control that will quickly develop relevant and critical skills to be job ready in modern industry environments.

Portable Workstation

The 990-PAB53AF is a mobile training platform that can be used to deliver training at multiple facilities or for convenient storage. It features a sturdy, portable case with wheels and a handle for easy transport. The cover can be quickly removed to enable the case to sit firmly upright on a table surface for student use. The cover also locks so that the workstation can be safely stored when not in use.

Learning TopicsKey Features

Learning Topics

  • PLC Troubleshooting
  • PLC Systems Troubleshooting
  • Analog I/O Troubleshooting
  • Analog Application Troubleshooting
  • Basic Panelview Plus Terminal Operation
  • Panelview Plus Application Editing
  • PLC Program Operations
  • PLC Programming
  • PLC Motor Control
  • PLC Timer and Counter Instructions
  • Event Sequencing
  • Program Control Instructions
  • Math and Data Instructions
  • Analog Inputs & Outputs
  • Variable Output Applications

Key Features

  • Teaches PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) programming, operation, and applications used in industry
  • Uses FaultPro, Amatrol’s unique electronic fault insertion, to teach PLC troubleshooting skills
  • Mobile training platform that can be used to deliver training at multiple facilities or for convenient storage

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Manufacturing & Engineering

Advanced Manufacturing Skills TrainersOur learning programs develop job-ready skills that have been proven time and again. Take a look at how we can help you be successful!

Colleges are challenged to offer courses whenever students are available – and frequently, wherever they are available. Students want courses that are available on campus as well as from home while also providing strong hands-on skills for the technology demands facing them. Meeting these demands is no small task.

Amatrol has learning programs that allow colleges to excel in this demanding environment. We offer a full range of learning systems, both in a traditional equipment lab setting as well as in a virtual lab, that meet and exceed students' expectations.