Amatrol's Thermal Training Systems

Amatrol’s thermal training systems are the best in the industry and will compliment your Oil and Gas or HVAC training programs. Amatrol's learning programs are developed in partnership with industry and education to insure that the skills are on target to support modern industry needs.
Amatrol's Thermal Training Systems
Air Conditioning/Heat Pump Troubleshooting Learning System
Environmental Applications Learning System
Geothermal Troubleshooting Learning System with Desuperheater
Steam Systems 1 Learning System
Thermal Science Learning System

Amatrol’s series of Thermal Systems Training units provide comprehensive coverage and content in the areas of Thermal Science, Heat Pump Technology, Heat Pump troubleshooting, and Heat Pump Applications. Each of these programs includes hands-on exercises on State-of-the-art training systems using real-world components. Each topic area has a curriculum supported by print material and exciting interactive multimedia spanning basics through advanced topics and troubleshooting.

Amatrol offers a wide array of training systems to meet the many diverse demands in thermal training. Our learning programs are equally effective for technicians, engineers, production workers, and anyone needing further understanding and skills in thermal systems.

Thermal Learning Systems for Oil and Gas / HVAC

Air Conditioning/Heat Pump Troubleshooting Learning System (T7082A)

Thermal system troubleshooting skills are in high demand today with these systems playing a key role in industrial, commercial, and residential applications to provide heating and cooling of spaces and processes. The T7082A Air Conditioning/Heat Pump Troubleshooting Learning System teaches these valuable troubleshooting skills like no other product with a hands-on learning station that contains a working system that can perform heat pump, air conditioning, and refrigeration operation and a wide array of faults that can be inserted. A unique computerized fault insertion system safely inserts faults automatically and tracks student progress.

The model T7082A uses the principle of vapor compression and offers three different types of expansion methods, enabling students to explore a wide range of thermal application and system designs. The T7082A is specially designed as a teaching system with its components arranged in a breadboard fashion to make it easy for students to follow the system flow and understand its operation. Extensive instrumentation is also provided so that students can better learn how these systems operate and how to improve performance.

The T7082A System consists of a mobile workstation, vapor-compression type thermal system, thermal multi-meter, gauge/manifold assembly, computer-based fault insertion system, student learning material for both theory and lab, and teacher’s assessment guide. Students will learn industry-relevant skills including how to operate, adjust, and troubleshoot thermal systems for a variety of applications.

Computer-Based Fault Insertion - The T7082A System includes Amatrol’s unique FaultPro computerized troubleshooting system, which automatically inserts faults and tracks students troubleshooting efforts. This system enables students to learn troubleshooting in a self-directed environment, allowing teachers to support more students. FaultPro features on-line student control of the troubleshooting activity through menu-driven screens, making it easy for students to set up and perform their own troubleshooting exercises for both practice and testing sessions. Students get immediate feedback about their responses so they know if they are learning and they receive a record of their skill achievement. An on-line help screen provides step-by-step instructions during the troubleshooting process.

Instrumentation Features - The T7082A includes many instrumentation features to observe and monitor system operation. Sight glasses are located at three points on both the evaporator and condenser coils to show how the refrigerant changes phase as it passes through each coil. Pressure and temperature gauges are placed at the inlet and outlet of the condenser and evaporator to determine heating and cooling performance. Other teaching components include moisture indicator, panel-mounted compressor ammeter, and flow meter.

Variable Conditions – The T7082A can replicate a variety of performance conditions with features such as heavy-duty industry blowers, attached to the condenser and evaporator coils, and manual valves placed throughout the refrigeration system. The blowers have dampers that can vary the flow across the coils, showing the effect of varying heat transfer rates. Manual valves are used to restrict the flow of refrigerant and change the amount of refrigerant in the system by allowing it to flow into or out of the accumulator.

Modern Temperature Control - The T7082A uses a modern microprocessor-based temperature control of the air temperature at the coil. It includes programmable keypad for both heating and cooling modes, electrical reversing valve, RTD-type remote temperature probe, and digital display. The display shows current temperature and set-point.

Learning Topics

  • Troubleshooting
  • Temperature Measurement
  • Thermal Science Concepts
  • Thermodynamic Cycles
  • Refrigeration System Operation
  • Refrigerant Types
  • Heat Pump System Operation
  • Thermal Efficiency
  • Compressors
  • Reversing Valves
  • Expansion Valves
  • Phase Diagrams
  • Evaporators/Condensers
  • Refrigeration Components
  • Property Tables

Key Features

  • Computer-Based Fault Insertion
  • Instrumentation Features
  • Variable Conditions
  • Modern Temperature Control
  • Optional Online eBooks

Air Conditioning/Heat Pump Troubleshooting Learning System

Environmental Applications Learning System (T7083)

The model T7083 Environmental Applications Learning System adds to the T7082 Thermal Learning System to teach heating and cooling applications. Students will learn industry-relevant skills including how to size, select, and analyze thermal systems to optimize performance.

The T7083 is a working system that connects to the T7082 System to provide a functional thermal application of air conditioning and heat pumps. The T7083 models the characteristics of a living structure with outside environmental effects, such as sun or humidity, and internal design characteristics such as insulation, lighting, and ceiling fans.

The T7083 consists of a living structure with reversible ducting system, comfort controls, instrumentation, environmental input devices, insulation system, student learning materials for both theory and lab, and teacher’s guide.

Variable Environmental Conditions – The T7083 replicates a variety of real world environmental conditions with devices that simulate effects caused by the sun, humidity, and lighting.

Variable Thermal Design Characteristics – The T7083 demonstrates the effects of a structure’s design with removable insulation panels to vary insulation performance, ceiling fan, window that can be opened, attic fan, attic exhaust, and reversible upper and lower ducts.

Instrumentation Features – The T7083 includes many instrumentation features to observe and monitor system operation. Digital thermometers are placed at key locations in the structure to show how temperature can vary inside a living space. A digital humidity sensor is also included to determine the level of comfort.

Learning Topics

  • Thermal System Efficiency Analysis
  • Heat Load Calculation
  • Heat Leakage
  • Expansion Valve Performance
  • Insulation Types
  • Insulation Performance Analysis
  • Temperature Profile Calculation
  • Insulation Thickness Calculation
  • Infrared Thermometers
  • Humidity Analysis
  • Humidity Measurement
  • Hygrometers
  • Psychrometric Charts
  • Dehumidification
  • Air Velocity Measurement
  • Air Quality
  • Sunlight Effects
  • Humidity Effects
  • Internal Heat Load Effects
  • Air Conditioner Sizing
  • Heat Pump Sizing

Key Features

  • Variable Environmental Conditions
  • Variable Thermal Design Characteristics
  • Instrumentation Features
  • Multimedia Curriculum Available
  • Student Reference Guide

Environmental Applications Learning System

Geothermal Troubleshooting Learning System with Desuperheater (950-GEO2D)

Amatrol’s 950-GEO2D Geothermal Troubleshooting Learning System is equipped with FaultPro, Amatrol’s premier electronic fault insertion program for teaching troubleshooting skills. Using FaultPro, learners troubleshoot electrical, mechanical, and fluid-based faults to become effective real-world experts on residential and commercial geothermal systems. In addition to troubleshooting, the interactive multimedia curriculum and hands-on skills will teach start-up, operation, shutdown, and maintenance of a geothermal system.

The 950-GEO2D uses an exposed component layout so that learners can see each component’s role in a geothermal system. Learners can easily observe, monitor, and test each component mounted and labeled on a vertical panel. Sight glasses installed in the 950-GEO2 allow the learner to see the refrigerant’s changing state as it passes through the system. Amatrol also includes pressure and temperature gauges at key points to show the system’s performance at a glance. Additionally, the system includes a custom-designed, temperature-controlled ground simulator so the system can run continuously.

95-GEO2D: Geothermal Troubleshooting with Desuperheater Learning System

The Geothermal Troubleshooting Learning System with Desuperheater (950-GEO2D) offers all of the skills and curriculum of the 950-GEO2 but with the addition of a desuperheater system. A desuperheater uses the excess energy from the geothermal system to heat water for little or no additional cost. Additional topics include the operation, start-up, shut-down, troubleshooting, and maintenance of a desuperheater system.

Fault Pro: Electronic Fault Insertion Software!

Using our world-class troubleshooting program, FaultPro, Amatrol has inserted over 25 electronic faults on the 950-GEO2D! Covering electrical, mechanical, and fluid-based faults, Amatrol designed the 950-GEO2D’s troubleshooting to allow learners to practice applicable industry skills and prepare them for real-world geothermal system problems. Amatrol’s troubleshooting systems are unmatched in their ability to simulate real-world equipment failures!

Industry Standard System Components and Features

From its 2-stage compressor and 2-ton heat pump to the ground source loop that includes a flow center and a header loop, Amatrol’s 950-GEO2D delivers features commonly found in installed geothermal systems but often excluded from training systems. These include a variable speed ECM air blower, water coil heat exchanger, sight-glasses at many points in the system for observing the refrigerant cycle, ample temperature and pressure monitoring, electrical test points, ground simulation, and even the high-density polyethylene pipe specified for use in installed geothermal systems. These components are clearly labeled and mounted for easy observation on a vertical panel, allowing learners to easily observe and evaluate system operation and performance.

Ground Simulator Allows Continuous Training!

Amatrol’s 950-GEO2D’s ground simulator is a temperature-controlled system that creates a constant temperature to act as a realistic heat source/sink. A digital, programmable temperature control unit is used to set and maintain the ground simulator to the desired temperature, resulting in both accurate data collection and continuous operation.

World-Class Geothermal Multimedia

The 950-GEO2D’s multimedia curriculum is highly interactive and features audio, text, and 3D graphics. The depth and breadth of knowledge offered, especially in the troubleshooting area, is simply unmatched in the industry. The 950-GEO2D’s curriculum is so thoughtfully and carefully put together that it can be used in a traditional classroom setting or by learners following along at a self-pace. Amatrol’s 950-GEO2D curriculum is a strong starting point toward obtaining International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) certification. Foundational knowledge and skills provided by Amatrol, such as startup and checkout procedures, flushing, purging, and charging the system, will be familiar topics to learners earning their certificates.

Learning Topics

  • Desuperheater Hot Water Generation
  • Desuperheater Operation
  • Desuperheater Component-Level Troubleshooting
  • Desuperheater System-Level Troubleshooting
  • Component Troubleshooting
  • System Troubleshooting
  • Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
  • Geothermal Source Circuits
  • Closed-Loop Source Circuit Operation
  • Source Circuit Piping and Components
  • Compressors
  • Energy Units of Measure
  • Condensers
  • Heat Transfer
  • Phase Change Effects
  • Heat Pump Components
  • Heat Pump Control
  • Heat Pump Operation
  • Heat Pump System Performance
  • Heat Duty
  • Coefficient of Performance

Key Features

  • Geothermal Troubleshooting with Desuperheater Learning System
  • Fault Pro: Electronic Fault Insertion Software
  • Industry Standard System Components and Features
  • Ground Simulator Allows Continuous Training
  • Integrated Multimedia Curriculum: Jump Start Your Way Towards an IGSHPA Certification

Geothermal Troubleshooting Learning System with Desuperheater

Steam Systems 1 Learning System (950-SH1)

Amatrol’s Steam Systems 1 Learning System (950-SH1) introduces learners to the operation, installation, maintenance, and repair of steam systems and their application in paper mills, commercial and residential settings, power companies, and even nuclear submarines. Amatrol’s exceptionally thorough curriculum covers a comprehensive range of steam system topics, including both practical applications such as how to operate a boiler and theoretical knowledge like the coefficient of volume and thermal expansion.

The 950-SH1 includes an electric boiler, blowdown separator, condensate feedwater system, heat exchanger, strainer, and steam trap. This learning system also comes with a welded steel mobile workstation (32-in W x 82-in H x 92- in L) with 4” square welded steel tubing and heavy duty casters. Amatrol supplies these industrial-grade, top-flight components in order to give the learner an opportunity to work with real-world mechanisms and gain experience they would normally only acquire on the job.

World-Class Steam Systems Curriculum

Amatrol’s world-class curriculum infuses the scientific theory of steam and how it’s harnessed for practical applications so learners can practice on the 950-SH1 Learning System. The 950-SH1 explains important concepts like internal energy, specific heat capacity, and flash steam, as well as important calculation for steam power, such as calculating the change in enthalpy caused by phase change. Learners can then see how this theoretical material applies to tasks like the startup, shutdown, and blowdown of a boiler; the operation of an OS&Y valve; and how to test a steam trap.

Steam Safety Precautions

Amatrol’s 950-SH1 also provides learners with a thorough understanding of the dangers of working with steam systems and the safety precautions that can prevent injury. The 950-SH1’s curriculum teaches ten basic safety rules for working around steam systems, such as the appropriate choice in clothing to avoid burns, what safety components are present on a steam system, and the dangers of opening and closing valves without knowing their function. The 950-SH1 also covers maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) and how safety relief gauges can keep a user safe when pressure builds in a steam system.

Industrial-Grade Steam Components for Real-World Experience

The 950-SH1 features an electric boiler that is an ASME coded pressure vessel rated at 100 psig that can attain 50 psig steam pressure and 51 lbs./hr flow rate. The boiler also features low water cutoff/level control, steam pressure gauge, and both automatic and manual reset operating controls. The 950-SH1’s condensate feedwater system features a 9 gallon condensate tank, turbine type condensate pump, and a 0.5 Hp electric motor. The learning system also features several valves, including: pressure regulator, safety relief, temperature regulator, 2-way, check, and globe.

Learning Topics

  • Steam Systems Science
  • Boilers
  • Air and Condensate Control
  • Pressure Control
  • Temperature Control
  • Condensate Recovery Systems
  • Steam Systems Performance
  • Thermal Expansion
  • Internal Energy and Enthalpy
  • Blowdown
  • Strainers
  • Heat Exchangers
  • Globe Valves

Key Features

  • World-Class Steam Systems Curriculum
  • Steam Safety Precautions
  • Industrial-Grade Steam Components for Real-World Experience
  • Optional Online eBooks

Steam Systems 1 Learning System

Thermal Science Learning System (T7081)

Amatrol’s Thermal Science Learning System (T7081) provides learners with the knowledge and equipment needed to comprehend the principles of modern thermal systems, such as HVAC, geothermal, refrigeration, and steam systems. As learners progress through the curriculum, they will perform experiments demonstrating principles such as the ideal gas law, linear and volumetric thermal expansion, basic temperature measurement, latent and sensible heat, specific heat capacity, conduction, convention, radiation, evaporative cooling, and basic refrigeration.

This tabletop learning system showcases a full range of components, such as a fi re syringe, a vacuum hand pump, bi-metallic ball and ring, and many more on a vertical panel for easy access and inventory. These components are used in various combinations to conduct experiments that show learners physical examples of thermal concepts and build foundational knowledge that they can use in real-world applications!

Hands-On Skills to Reinforce Theoretical Knowledge

The best way to engage learners and reinforce theoretical concepts is to apply the concept using hands-on skills. For example, using a vacuum pump supplied with the T7081, learners lower the pressure on a container of warm water until it boils, which demonstrates the relationship between pressure and a fluid’s boiling point. As learners study thermal expansion, a key concept in bimetallic thermostats, they will apply heat to a bimetallic strip and observe how different metals expand at different rates. These and many other experiments engage the learner and build a solid foundation for further study in the field of thermal systems.

Learning Topics

  • Temperature Measurement
  • Temperature Unit Conversion
  • Thermal Expansion
  • Enthalpy
  • Specific Heat
  • Thermal Power
  • Thermal Power Unit Conversion
  • Gas Laws
  • Thermodynamic Laws
  • Thermal Efficiency
  • Radiation Heat Transfer
  • Convective Heat Transfer
  • Conduction Heat Transfer
  • Vapor Pressure
  • Latent And Sensible Heat
  • Phase Equilibrium
  • Property Tables
  • Phase Diagrams

Key Features

  • Provides the fundamental thermal skills
  • Make calculations to predict system performance
  • Heavy-duty, welded steel construction
  • Multimedia Curriculum Available
  • Student Reference Guide

Thermal Science Learning System

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