Belt Sample Board

Hands-On Training Aid for Belt Selection
Item Number: 
Training Aid for Belt Selection

Belts are flexible materials used to link two or more rotating shafts mechanically, most often parallel. Belts may be used as a source of motion, to transmit power efficiently, or to track relative movement, and are typically looped over pulleys.

A wide variety of different types of belts are used throughout industry. It’s important for industrial maintenance technicians to learn how to operate, maintain, troubleshoot, and repair multiple types of belts.

DAC Worldwide’s Belt Sample Board (837-PAC) is an introductory, hands-on teaching aid designed to supplement courses in belt drive, sheave selection, and maintenance. It includes samples of eight (8) industrial-quality belts for users to learn to identify. The 837-PAC includes:

  • #837 - Belt Sample Board
  • #945 - Sample Panel Support Assembly

To help learners with belt identification, the steel, rack-mounted identification board features magnetic identification tags relating to the belt samples supplied, allowing association of a tag with the appropriate component by learners. The sample board can be used on any standard 19-inch rack or the optional DAC Worldwide Sample Panel Support Assembly.

Industry-Standard Components Provide Realistic, Hands-On Training

Technical training is most effective when learners can gain hands-on practice with industry-standard components they’ll encounter on the job. The Belt Sample Board features several common, industrial-quality belts to provide learners with a realistic training experience that will build skills that translate easily to the workplace.

The Belt Sample Board features a powder-coated, silk-screened, 14-gauge steel panel for mounting the included belt samples. It also includes pre-assembled PVC mounting posts.

Using this sample board, learners will explore how industrial belt are used for training in various sectors, including the design, application, control, and maintenance of common industrial components. The training aid covers industry-relevant skills, such as installing, operating, and troubleshooting belts and sheaves in a variety of applications.

The board also includes 16 engraved, magnetic belt identification tags with both the common informal name and the formal industry name for each sample.

Courseware & Options

The Belt Sample Board’s courseware consists of an instructor resource and set-up reference. These can be used as part of either an instructor-led course or self-directed study. An optional IPT Industrial Trades Training Manual and Handbook are also available for those who wish to extend their training options.

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