DAC Worldwide’s Brake Clutch Trainer (220-000) is a complete, motorized training package of brake and clutch-related hardware and control components.
Mechanical Drives
DAC Worldwide's mechanical drives training systems offer a variety of hands-on training solutions or provide an ideal skill assessment tool. These systems provide hands-on skills for gears, bearings, vibration analysis, alignments, and more.
Hands-On Design, Control & Maintenance TrainingItem Number:220-000
Hands-On Design, Control & Maintenance SkillsItem Number:220-PACP
DAC Worldwide’s Brake Clutch Training System (220-PACP) is a complete, motorized training package of brake and clutch-related hardware and control components.
Assembly, Alignment & Maintenance SkillsItem Number:223-000
DAC Worldwide’s Chain Drive Training System (223-000) is a heavy-duty learning aide that allows for in-depth training in industrial chain drives, heavy/silent chains, and sprocket set usage.
Assembly, Alignment & MaintenanceItem Number:223-PAC
DAC Worldwide’s Chain Drive Training System Plus (223-PAC) is a heavy-duty learning aide that allows for in-depth training in industrial chain drives, heavy/silent chains, and sprocket set usage.
Hands-On Industrial Skills Training SystemsItem Number:208-PAC
DAC Worldwide’s Coupling/Shaft Alignment Plus (208-PAC) is a heavy-duty, precision learning aid that allows for convenient, realistic training in shaft alignment. When paired with a variety of hands-on exercises, the training system creates a complete performance-based course in the maintenance of shaft alignment.
Practice Hands-On Mechanical SkillsItem Number:208-000
DAC Worldwide’s Coupling/Shaft Alignment Trainer (208-000) is a heavy-duty, precision learning aid that allows for convenient, realistic training in shaft alignment. When paired with a variety of hands-on exercises, the training system creates a complete performance-based course in the maintenance of shaft alignment.
Teach Advanced Mechanical SkillsItem Number:203E
Industrial maintenance technicians must learn to operate, maintain, troubleshoot, and repair a wide variety of mechanical systems used to manufacture products. One of the key diagnostic tools technicians will use during preventive maintenance as well as to maintain optimum efficiency is vibration analysis.
Realistic Hands-On Vibration Analysis Training SystemItem Number:202-000
DAC Worldwide’s Fan Balancing Trainer (202-000) is a precision assembly allowing for convenient demonstration and training in fan balancing and other vibration analysis-related topics. Based on the design of a typical squirrel cage fan, this heavy-duty aluminum device allows for assembly in a variety of configurations, creating a broad range of balancing scenarios.
Realistic, Hands-On Industrial Skills TrainerItem Number:202-PAC
DAC Worldwide’s Fan Balancing Training System Plus (202-PAC) is a hands-on industrial training system that allows learners to gain experience with fan balancing to achieve maximum fan efficiency and stability.
Hands-On Torque Techniques & Skills TrainerItem Number:226-000
DAC Worldwide’s Flange Bolt Torquing (226-000) is a training package that includes a complete assortment of fixtures, tools, accessories, and technical data for training in proper bolt torquing using an eight-bolt pattern.