DAC Worldwide’s Boiler Tube Maintenance Training System Plus (240-PAC) is a heavy-duty unit perfect for either classroom or lab training. Users will gain critical hands-on skills in the removal and installation of fire tubes in fire-tube boilers.
Heat Transfer & Steam
DAC Worldwide's heat transfer & steam training systems offer hands-on skills in areas such as boiler tube maintenance, heat exchangers, and rotary kiln maintenance. Contact DAC Worldwide today for more information!
Fire-Tube Boiler TrainingItem Number:240-PAC
Industrial Boiler Training & Skill-BuildingItem Number:240-000
DAC Worldwide’s Boiler Tube Trainer (240-000) is a heavy-duty fixture for convenient classroom or laboratory training in the removal and installation of tubes in industrial fire tube boilers. Based on the geometry and materials of a common Scotch marine boiler, this device allows for repeated practice in the maintenance of tubes without jeopardizing actual equipment, or consuming unnecessary floor space.
Full-size shell and tube industrial heat exchangerItem Number:238-000
DAC Worldwide’s Heat Exchanger Maintenance Training System (238-000) consists of a full-size shell and tube industrial heat exchanger. This flanged, fixed tube, bundle-type heat exchanger represents one of the most common types of heat exchangers learners will encounter on the job.
Teach Industrial Fluid Processes Hands-OnItem Number:607D
DAC Worldwide’s Heat Exchanger Process Control Trainer (607D) is a full-sized, working fluid system that allows for hands-on training in measurement and control as it relates to temperature in an industrial fluid process system.
Teach Troubleshooting Skills Hands-OnItem Number:241-000
DAC Worldwide’s Rotary Kiln Maintenance Training System (241-000) is a heavy-duty, steel benchtop training device that allows for realistic training in maintenance activities associated with large rotary kilns.